Treatment and prevention of prostatitis

Drops Prostovit

Drops Prostovit

Order Prostovit

Discount -50%

Prostovit points for the treatment of prostatitis at any age and at any stage are available for every man. They will relieve pain, problems with urination and potency, improve general health.

in Slovenia, Prostovit drops cannot be bought in pharmacies!

The drug for the fast and effective treatment of prostate diseases can be purchased exclusively through the official website at the lowest price {€45} with a 50% discount! To order several packages for a course of treatment, you must fill out a form on the website, indicating your phone number and name.

Doctor's recommendations

Doctor Andrologist Nika Doctor Nika
28 years
Medical statistics show that in Slovenia, prostate diseases started appearing in men at a young age due to an unhealthy lifestyle. By the age of 30, many suffer from pain in the pelvic area, experience problems with the genitourinary system. Prostovit points allow careful preventive action to avoid problems such as: vesiculitis, prostate cancer, infertility, impotence, psychological discomfort from prostate massage, chemical medications. We recommend these points.
Prostovit drug for prostatitis

Prostatitis is a serious disease in the urological field in men, which, if not treated in time, leads to adenoma, prostate tissue growth, oncological diseases, complete infertility, a complex of concomitant diseases of the kidneys, cardiovascular system. Statistics show that more than half of the male population in Slovenia has prostate problems, especially those over 40 years old. Expensive treatment may include the use of a laser, surgical methods, a complex of chemicals, prostate massage and a long examination. Prostovit points are suitable for men of any age, at different stages of prostatitis. Their price - €39 (what are the prices in other countries) - allows the patient to save a considerable amount.

Benefits of Prostovit points

For patients For practicing doctors Quick recovery and symptoms and causes of prostatitis, the possibility of recovery of prostate adenoma. Reducing the cost of diagnosing the disease. The drug is recommended for widespread use by the European Medical Association. Slovenia is included in the list where points can be used to normalize the work of the male genitourinary system. Reducing the cost of essential or co-medicated drugs. The effectiveness of Prostovit drops has been proven in almost 100 percent of cases (98%), which facilitates the doctor's work and accelerates recovery. Reducing the likelihood of surgery. It has a particularly positive effect on patients over 40 years old. Lack of psychological discomfort during prostate massage. You can buy Prostovit and get rid of what men think in horror! The composition of Prostovit drops is natural and does not have any additional negative impact on the patient's health.

Composition Prostovit

  • Prostovit glycine drops for prostatitis


    Among the ingredients, Prostovit refers to non-essential acids, reduces nervous tension, stops aggressive states, which often cause bad relations with the opposite sex, which leads to an irregular intimate life - one of the causes of prostatitis. Regulates glutamate receptors, affects alpha-blocking processes, improves sleep, eliminates the consequences of drinking alcoholic beverages. It is absorbed in all tissues of the body, it is excreted in the urine and there are almost no allergic reactions.

  • selen in Prostovit


    It is not produced in the body, it must be taken with drugs. The trace element is involved in the generation of testosterone, spermatogenesis processes, its deficiency can cause frequent urination, male infertility. It is a strong antioxidant, as part of Prostovit prevents excessive growth of prostate cells and the likelihood of cancer cells, reduces the rate of stone formation. The anti-inflammatory effect helps protect the excretory system, preventing kidney failure. Chronic inflammation leads to scarring, reduction in the size of the prostate gland, deterioration of its functioning.

  • sea ​​lobby at Prostovit

    Seaweed Stem Extracts

    Eringium or Eringium in the composition of Prostovit drops completes the preparation with a complex of tannins, saponins and essential oils. Tanid allows you to effectively remove inflammatory processes, gives an astringent effect. A complex of vitamins - ascorbic, malic, oxalic acids, minerals - potassium, zinc, sodium allows you to have a general strengthening effect of an immunostimulating nature, which is important in the treatment and prevention of chronic, bacterial prostatitis. The component is also effective in acute forms of prostate disease, provides an analgesic, sedative, diuretic effect. It is not recommended for hypertension, with weak blood coagulation, for use by persons in adolescence.

  • pumpkin seeds in preparation Prostovit

    Pumpkin seeds

    The ingredient in the composition of Prostovit helps especially in the initial stages of the disease in a non-infectious form due to the rich natural chemical composition: vitamins D, E, A, carotenoids and healthy fats, organic acids and zinc, which has an effect. the functioning of the reproductive system, the gastrointestinal tract. Zinc participates in the regeneration of collagen fibers, and the arginine protein contained in them restores muscle tissue. In addition, the components of the composition almost do not cause allergies and do not allow excessive growth of prostate cells, which contributes to the treatment and prevention of prostatitis, prevention of adenoma.

  • nettle extract drop Prostovit


    This pungent herb helps maximize urine flow, reduces residual urine, relieves inflammation, improves tissue regeneration, and normalizes lipid metabolism. Contains: vitamin K, serotonin, histamine, essential oils, astragalin, steroids, lecithin, potassium ions, ceramides. It is considered an effective tool in the treatment and prevention of prostate enlargement. Nettle rarely causes allergic reactions, it is not recommended when prostatitis is accompanied by fluid retention in the body due to heart disease.

  • gotu kola extract in Prostovit

    Gotu Kola plant extract

    It has been used for centuries in oriental medicine as an anti-cancer drug with a powerful antioxidant effect that lowers blood pressure. Contains triterpenes, has a pronounced tonic, diuretic effect, heals ulcers, calms, relieves depression, which often accompanies chronic prostatitis. Mentioned in Ayurveda, called the "fountain of youth" by Chinese doctors. The component can cause allergic reactions, improves blood microcirculation in various organs.

Prostovit drops have been clinically tested in a sanatorium among patients with long-term chronic prostatitis, aged 40 to 70+ years, and have proven to be a means of normalizing urination in 97-98% of patients, eliminating pain in almostall test participants. , simulating normal prostate size in 88 percent of subjects. Almost all patients did not have acute attacks after completing treatment with appropriate lifestyle.

Hurry up to order on the official site very effective Prostovit drops, with which the treatment and prevention of prostatitis is fast, painless, without additional costs for chemical procedures and medications, without the use of prostate massage. Slovenia) does not have good medical statistics for this disease and for prostate adenoma cases. The number of cases is only increasing from year to year, including oncological and surgical development scenarios. With Prostovit you can cure chronic prostatitis yourself in no time!

Where can I buy Prostovit in Slovenia?

Cities in Slovenia where you can buy Prostovit

Prostovit in LjubljanaProstovit in Portoroz
Prostovit in Maribor
Cities in Slovenia